Disclosure Policy

FTC has once again changed how we as bloggers disclose content on our sites. While the disclosure at the bottom of the post once was acceptable, now the FTC also wants us to disclose before any click-able link. Therefor, you will also now see a disclosure at the top of the page as well.

Here on The Neat Things in Life, I do many types of posts. I do posts ranging from reviews, sponsored content, and also many personal posts. In these posts you will find links, some links will go to company sites, others will go to an affiliate link of mine. Just because you click on a link does not mean I receive compensation for that click.

Here is a break down of the articles and links you will find on The Neat Things in Life.

Sponsored Post- While these posts are written by my husband or I they may contain links in which we received payment for. Just because we received payment doesn’t mean it’s not our own opinion, thoughts, or feelings.

Reviews- Often times my family is asked to try out products and to give our honest opinion. For this we do get product for free so that we can do a review. The opinions on the product are solely the opinion of my families. I don’t expect you to feel the same way about a product I reviewed. You are more than welcome to express how you felt about said product in the comment field. Matter of fact I encourage it, I want to see how the same products I reviewed worked for you and your family!

Guest Posts – Sometimes you will see guest posts, I often will seek out guest bloggers so I can give you fresh content. These posts range in topic and are things I think you all may benefit from. At times I do receive payment for a guest article, however, not all guest articles are paid.

Affiliate Links- As stated above sometimes I will include affiliate links. I will only receive payment if a purchase is made from the link. While I am not getting rich off the links, they are helping provide for my family.

Third party advertisers may use cookies to track your website viewing and give you the best advertisement possible. The Neat Things in Life, nor Google is responsible for these third party data transfers.

All posts written by me are always my honest opinion. Since we are all different your opinion will vary from mine, just because I like a product doesn’t mean I expect you to like the same product.

Please keep in mind when you place your email address in the comment box, your email address maybe picked up by spam bots. The Neat Things in Life, cannot be held liable if this is to happen.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.