Making Your Home Puppy-Friendly

If you’re considering buying a dog at the moment, I advise you to take a step back. You need to perform a lot of reason before you bring an animal into your family. That is because they aren’t toys, and they can become hard work. You need to ensure you have the motivation and determination to care for the creature. Remember, dogs can live well into their teenage years if they remain healthy. So, it’s not a small commitment, and {Read More}

Doggy Do’s And Doggy Don’ts

You might think that owning a dog is easy, but actually, it can be quite difficult to make the right decisions with your pet pooch. When you decide to get a dog, you have to remember, that you are bringing a new little life into your family. They need your protection, your love, your care, and attention. There are a few mistakes you can make with your dog as a new owner so here are some quick tips on how {Read More}

The Benefits of Traveling with a Dog: Why You Should Take Rover on Your Trips

As dog owners, we are all grateful for the happiness and cheer that our beloved furry friends bring into our lives. We all know that feeling when we finally get home after a long and tiring day at work to be greeted by that ecstatic bark and furiously wagging tail; it feels like our problems just don’t matter anymore. However, a traveling trip is where most dog owners draw the line. We’re happy to spend time with our canine companion {Read More}

How To Deal With An Anxious Doggy

Dogs are amazing aren’t they? Each one so unique in their own way – with big eyes, big ears and floppy waggy tails as well as a big grin. What is truly unique about each dog though, is their personality. Humans, ourselves are pretty unique, but we seem to follow patterns of personality – it seems that every dog is a dog unto itself. But still, there are certain things we can pick up on. Some dogs are hyper, some {Read More}

5 Secret To Add Years To Your Pet’s Life

Death of a family member or a friend is an inevitable, painful experience. All people who have a pet or pets, know how important they are and consider them as a part of a family. The loss of a pet is a painful experience as well. All humans, if in a chance, do their best to keep themselves healthy in order to live longer. People do the same with pets, because if they are not treated well, their life can {Read More}

Why You Need To Own A Dog…Today!

Dogs are great. There are certain reasons not to have them, granted. But you would be hard pressed to find a more loyal animal companion than a dog. It doesn’t matter what stage you are of your life they are always a great addition. The following tips are why you should get one, the benefits they bring and how you can increase the happiness in your life through the ownership of a dog. You may be someone who has never {Read More}