Things You Didn’t Know About CBD Oil For Dogs

The CBD oil is a product made from the cannabis plant. This is why some people refuse to use it and some states consider it illegal. The cannabis plant alone has a lot of medicinal properties that can benefit your entire body. But if you smoke it, then you will get psyche-active episodes that can later on create substance abuse. This is why smoking marijuana is illegal in many states throughout the world. However, when it comes to the CBD {Read More}

CBD Cat Treats and Tinctures

The industry for cannabis products made for cats is booming. Read more about medical cannabis here. Many pet owners are now considering CBD oil in curing their kitties’ anxieties. Some people claim that there are consistently excellent results when using cannabidiol in the feline animals, which results in its further popularity. Many might ask if giving marijuana to your pet is a great idea. It is important to note that CBD is different from the effect of cannabis. Although both {Read More}

Dog Bites 101: Do Dog Warning Signs Absolve the Owner from Being Held Liable?

“Beware of Dog” signs are commonly used by owners who want to reduce their liability if their dog bites someone on their property, but it’s not a magic protectant. Sometimes even the most gentle of dogs can feel threatened and react the only way they naturally know how – by biting. But if the dog that bit you showed warning signs that you ignored, can you still hold the owner liable for injuries caused by their pet? Regardless of how {Read More}

How Much Food Does A Dog Need Every Day?

A dog that is very active needs to eat well every day, but there are many things to consider when putting together a diet for your pets. Remember that not all dogs are equal because they are different sizes and live in different environments. Consider all these options as you read below because they can give you a chance to learn about your dogs, get into a feeding routine for them, and make them much healthier. You can completely change {Read More}

5 Things You Should Pack While Travelling With Your Dog

Traveling with your dog is not a new concept today and it has never been. As a matter of fact, it is actually a cool thing to do. However, as you pack your necessities it is important to remember that your dog has things too that they need. Don’t be selfish with your packing and it’s not like you will have to add a whole two suitcases for your dog. It is good to consider the kind of journey when {Read More}

Pets & New Babies – Tips For Parents

Bringing a new baby into the household can make you rethink your entire home, from top to bottom. Identifying potential hazards and risks can make you feel like some form of OSHA or health and safety inspector, but of course the results will be much more personal and important for you. It’s one thing to experience an accident at work. It’s another for you or your family to experiencing misfortune at home, especially when it was in your grasp to {Read More}