Keep Your Glucose Balanced with Level Life

With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it is easy for one to “forget” to eat. When we forget to re-fuel our bodies, we will notice our bodies running very sluggish. This is caused by our Glucose levels dropping. If ones glucose level drops to low, it can be very dangerous. LevelLife is a product that will not only help you fight those hunger pains but also help keep your blood sugar levels where they should be. LevelLife {Read More}

Don’t Let The Holidays Add Numbers To Those Scales

I have been on a roller coaster with my weight for a very long time. The lowest I remember being was 205 and that was right before I got pregnant with my daughter 14 years ago. I have been up and I have been down before my daughter and after my daughter. More up than down, however, I have been trying hard since the beginning of 2014 to get my weight in check. Back in July I was sent product {Read More}

Electronic Cigarettes VS Regular Cigarettes

When it comes to smoking we all know the healthiest option is to not smoke at all. However, once you start smoking it’s hard to kick the habit. I started smoking when I was 19 years old, I attempted to quit a few different times, however, things became stressful and I did what I always did in stressful times and I grabbed for my trusty cigarette to help calm my nerves. Over the years my health got worse and the {Read More}

How A Brilliant Pet Can Enrich The Life Of An Elderly Relative

It’s no fun getting old, and each of us knows somebody who is in their twilight years. Though they look like they enjoy old age, their thoughts are often the same as they were decades ago. They still look out of the same eyes but can’t do the things of which they were once capable. Those wrinkles came from many years of experience and wisdom. It is often a lonely time of life, as they will tell you if you {Read More}

How To Throw The Best Baby Shower

Your best friend has called you to say you need to meet up and talk about something. Something about the sound of her voice has got you worried and nervous. Has something happened at work, or has her Nanna taken a turn for the worst? All day you are worrying about the big meet. Finally, you get to the cafe and see her at the table. She’s smiling. That’s a relief. Actually she’s positively glowing. OMG! She’s telling you she’s {Read More}

Balance Bare Joins The Balance Bar Family

Obesity is a huge thing in the US, and the “average” waistline for an adult female is 37.5 inches. In 2013, statistics showed 154.7 million American Adults were considered over weight or obese (I happen to be one of those that’s obese).  One reason obesity is so high is because we adults find it has become easier and cheaper to grab quick fast food meal for the family, then to cook a healthier meal at home. We also tend to {Read More}

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