Snoring is a relatively common problem. Did you know that 40 percent of men and 25 percent of women are affected by snoring? People who snore, make a raspy, rattly sound as they breathe while asleep. While this will most probably have little effect on their sleeping habits, it can cause all sorts of problems for the rest of the household. Being woken up at 3am every morning by your partners incessant snoring, is not the best way to start {Read More}
Fertility, Obesity and PCOS
It’s amazing how certain things go hand in hand. Never did I want to admit my weight could be the reason for not having conceived yet. The bitter truth came when I was doing research on fertility and PCOS. I knew that if I wanted to have another child, I had to do something about my weight. Sure bigger women get pregnant, however, they have a harder time, and they have rough pregnancies. I knew I needed to lose weight, {Read More}
#WeightLossJourney Begins With Weight Watchers Endorsed Products
Disclosure: The information, products and Publix gift cards were provided by General Mills through Linqia. With having always struggled with my weight from a very young age, I was excited to see many different weight watchers endorsed products at the grocery store. Over the past year, I took the stand to fight against the rising numbers on the scale. With changing when and how I ate, I was able to drop 60 pounds in 2014. Having weight watchers endorsed products {Read More}
Losing Weight Means Time To Shop
It seems as if I have been on my weight loss journey my whole life. I recall mom making me walk up and down the stairs, I recall her making me walk miles and miles a day, yet the weight went no where. At one time I was on a salad diet and while I was active and I didn’t eat much, it seemed I was just meant to be fat. Over the years my weight has bounced and while {Read More}
Conceive Easy with ConceiveEasy TTC Kit
Getting pregnant is not always as easy as women think it is going to be. In fact, according to Pregnancy tips, somewhere around one in five couples will have trouble getting pregnant. There are seven causes of infertility that are the most common, and Conceive Easy is an all-natural fertility aid that helps support the reproductive system and combat those seven causes. The Conceive Easy TTC Kit comes with everything a woman will need when beginning her fertility journey. You {Read More}