Do you suffer from stomach issues? I didn’t until the birth of my daughter back in 2001, now it seems like everything I eat and drink causes stomach discomfort. I can be sitting at the table attempting to eat dinner, when I have to run to the bathroom. Going out to eat is pretty much a no-go for my family. I have discussed the issue with my doctor and it was discovered I am insulin resistant and may possibly have {Read More}
Help Your Health and the Planet: Go Vegan!
Now more than ever, there are growing concerns about the continued production and consumption of animal products, especially meat. The methods used to bring meat and dairy to our tables are continually exposed as both cruel to the animals and detrimental to our environment. Additionally, diets containing significant amounts of animal products tend to be higher in harmful fats. With these and other issues gaining more attention, it makes sense to consider going vegan. Better Health for You The positive {Read More}
For many of us the change in season is marked by frequent illness and change in lifestyle. Autumn is a good time to start doing new things and make improvements before winter sets in, especially when it comes to getting a bit healthier. One of the most important things in life is to be healthy–not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. Keep your mind engaged It is very important for us to stay mentally healthy if we want {Read More}
Helping Children with Speech Therapy
As a parent we face many hurdles. When we become parents we worry more and become more alert. When we think or notice our child is not developing like we think they should, we start to panic. When my daughter was born she was very small for her age, at one point it was discussed about getting her put on a growth hormone. Even though she was born a normal size, she was slow on her growth and was never {Read More}
Row Row Row Your Boat: An Effective Way To Keep Fit
The Rio Olympics are over, and people are trying out a whole host of new sports they’ve seen on the television over the past month. Rowing is a sport that most of us are familiar with. However, it probably springs thoughts of the races between Oxford University Boat Club and Cambridge University Boat Club. Two teams of privileged students rowing rapidly down the Thames. But this isn’t the reality for most of us when it comes to rowing. What we {Read More}
Say This, Not That: Words and Phrases That Can Kill Your Marriage
A healthy relationship is built on good communication. The way two people interact with one another, especially where words are concerned, has a definite and daily impact on their interpersonal happiness and sense of well being. Unfortunately, many people don’t think twice before saying something curt and unproductive to their partner. Do this enough times, and a once-blissful relationship can be ruined. In the interest of loving communication, we offer these few expressions that ought never be part of a {Read More}