Remember how I told y’all Hoover was giving away 10 awesome vacuums in 10 weeks. The first chance to win was at Mommy PR! Well, I am sorry to inform you, known of y’all won. Because I DID! OMG You know how awesome this is!!! I have been trying forever to get a new vacuum. I have a cheap one I got for about 30 bucks at Wal-Mart, but I really dislike the fact it throws the junk back at {Read More}

Amish or Nun?

Remember the clothes I got off freecycle? Well, in the bag of clothes there was a long black skirt, and a black shirt. Gillian thought it would be super awesome to wear all black. I tried to explain that, usually people wear all black when they are going to a funeral. She made the statement, she thought people wore them to fell dark. I assume she was talking Gothic. So today she decided she was going to put it on {Read More}

Teaching Your Children About Financial Responsibilities

At what age, do you think it is time a child learns about money? I personally think teaching a child the importance of money at a early age will help them better understand certain concepts once they get older.  I have always been the one in my family to manage the bank account. The one to assure money got put in the proper places. For instance, so much for groceries, so much for bills, so much for savings. I will {Read More}

Shopping for Cute Tops

If you are a regular follower of my blog, you know I have signed up for College, and I will be starting this fall. I am super excited and scared all in one. It has been fifteen years since I have been in school, so this is a huge change for me, and a tad scary if you think about it! However, I am beyond thrilled to finally be  making something of myself. Not only for myself, but also for {Read More}

Plumbing Problems and When to Say Enough is Enough

Living in an older mobile home, I should be expected to have some sort of plumbing problems. However, I sure did not expect to have all the problems my husband and I have had, with the place we call home. These problems started pretty much when we moved into the place, with being owners, it is our responsibility to make sure the problems stay fixed! Our first problem, started with a minor leak, my husband not being a very handy {Read More}

Why I Love Freecycle

I am a strong believer of helping others out. When you do good for others, good will come your way. Well, that is how I see things anyways. A while back I heard on the news about a yahoo group called freecycle. The group is made of locals in your surrounding area that post things on a message board they no longer need/want. Thus, keeping it out of the landfills, and passing it on to someone who can use it. {Read More}