Custom Stickers For HomeSchool

We were already suppose to have started school, but with this move, I decided I was going to wait until they start school in Michigan to start Gillian. So she will now start the beginning of September. I know she is loving that because now she gets to be off school for her birthday! With being home schoolers, I like having custom stickers printed. I like to get some that tell her how awesome she is, and what a great {Read More}

8 More Days

In 8 more days we will be packing the pull behind, and heading back up North. I still have so much to do! I am going to attempt to have one more yard sale, maybe I can get lucky and sell a few more things. Once we get to Michigan and get settled, I will become more productive on my blog. I am going to guess it will take me roughly a week to get internet. I hope not, but {Read More}

Love Homescholing And Here Is Why

Where should I start! We tried the public school route, Gillian went to kindergarten for about 3 months, we had nothing but trouble! Her teacher had no control over her class, and the kids were brats! My husband and I had to go up there several times in the short period of her going to school. First, it was a little boy thinking he could kiss her in a sexual manner, lips, hand, neck, umm this mom thinks not… He {Read More}

Day Dreaming About Homes In Hawaii

I love Dog The Bounty Hunter! I watch their show often, and I find myself admiring their home. They have an amazing view, and whenever they’re searching for their fugitive, I find myself day dreaming of the view. Have you ever found yourself searching for homes online, just to see them? Please tell me I am not the only one that has searched Google for homes for sale in Hawaii just to look at how beautiful they were! With me {Read More}

The Legend of Zelda Ocarina Vlog Review

My husband and I grew up when Zelda became big, now that our daughter is getting older we are getting her into Zelda. I first came across STL Ocarina when entering giveaways. I new this would be something both my husband and daughter would love. With being home schoolers, it is important that she learns some sort of musical instrument. With my husband being good with music I thought this would be awesome to win. However, I was not the {Read More}

10 Healthy Tip For Getting The Kids Back To School

After a hectic Summer, school will soon start back up. With school starting it usually means sick kids. Although we are a home schooling family, there are still things we have to do to make sure the kiddo stays healthy! #1 Make sure the kids get plenty of rest, when going to school they should get at least 8 to 10 hours. This will in sure, they can focus during school, and they will not fall a sleep. If Gillian {Read More}