Make Pumpkin Pancakes with Pacific this Holiday Season

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Carton Smart for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine. The guys at Pacfic foods sent over several cartons of holiday ingredients for us to try. Pacific foods come in cartons as space saving alternative to cans. Because of their shape, they take up less space when stacked and stored. We wanted to incorporate one of the ingredients into something we make quite a bit in our own home around {Read More}

#Bugout with Orkin: When Creepy Crawlers Invade your Home

The Orkin Ecologist uses its research to help homeowners protect their property against the most feared insects and pests. Share your biggest #BugOut moment by telling us what insects that you think are the creepiest of all.

The Buzz Behind Orkin’s #BugOut Movement

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of The Orkin Ecologist for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine. Insects come in all shapes, sizes and colors from all over the world. Even though there's more types of bugs than most people imagine, the world’s scariest bugs are usually the ones lurking in the confines of your own home. Orkin's #BugOut movement isn't necessarily about the scariest bugs, but it is about studying them to better prevent them {Read More}

Pet Messes: When things get Hairy

When pet messes get hairy BISSEL Powerglide can help get the job done in every room of your home.

5 Weight Loss Tips for Workaholics Using

It’s easy to explain away weight gain when you’re working 12-hour days. “I sit in front of a computer all day.” “I don’t have time to work out.” “I just get drive-thru for lunch.” It’s a challenge to lose weight when you have a busy schedule, but you simply have to make time for something as important as your long-term health. That means the muffin top, the love handles, and the junk in your trunk – all of them have {Read More}

Easy, No-Hassle Tips For a Stronger Immune System

Easy, No-Hassle Tips For a Stronger Immune System Because our immune system is our main defense against so many viruses, we need to make sure it’s strong and well-maintained. Stress is the main antagonist that leads us to all sorts of health issues. Here are some ways to enjoy a little bit of pampering so you de-stress and enjoy a “mini-vacation” or alone time: Take a Breather Take a break and play some short yet engaging games. With the advent {Read More}