CBD Cat Treats and Tinctures

The industry for cannabis products made for cats is booming. Read more about medical cannabis here. Many pet owners are now considering CBD oil in curing their kitties’ anxieties. Some people claim that there are consistently excellent results when using cannabidiol in the feline animals, which results in its further popularity.

Many might ask if giving marijuana to your pet is a great idea. It is important to note that CBD is different from the effect of cannabis. Although both came from the same plant, CBD came from a different strain. This strain is called hemp, which is often used for therapeutic purposes.

The cannabis plant contains two different metabolites called the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and the cannabidiol (CBD). THC has a psychoactive effect on its users, while CBD does not cause the “high” that many weed users experience. This is why products that have less than 0.3% THC is safe to use for pets.

What so Great about CBD Tinctures?

The cats have a system called the endocannabinoid that is also present in humans. This system regulates many physiological functions, such as sleep, mood, immunity, and pain. What makes the tinctures great is that they can influence the endocannabinoid system by binding them. If a cat is feeling pain from arthritis, the oil tincture can help them find relief for a time until the underlying symptoms are cured.

Although a lot of pet owners testify that their pets have benefited from using the treats and tinctures, the research regarding this metabolite is still undergoing. This is because there are parties that still believe that using marijuana for medicinal purposes should not be allowed. But the wealth of anecdotal pieces of evidence and reports support the use of the oil for therapeutic purposes.

Most of the conditions where the tinctures and treats are used include the following:

  • Felines showing signs of aggression
  • Cats that don’t eat well
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Restlessness or lack of energy
  • Inflammation and feelings of pain

Most of the severe health conditions, such as pancreatitis, arthritis, and inflamed bowels, are familiar with feline animals. The good news is that owners reported seeing positive results that alleviate the symptoms of the medical condition. CBD cat treats are often used because they reduce inflammation and also with their pain-relieving properties. The treats can fight various symptoms and the root cause at the same time, causing the relief to the cats.

Ideal Doses for the Pets

Cats have a smaller physique than humans, and this is why they will require a much lower dose than we do. If you have bought a CBD tincture that is exclusively made for cats, make sure to read the packaging carefully.

Most veterans in the industry recommend that you use about 0.1 mg to 0.5 mg of treats or tinctures. The dose can vary from one cat to another depending on the conditions of your feline pet and other factors. It is excellent to start with lower doses to see how your pet will react. Gradually increase the dose over time and see how the cat will respond.

Many pet owners may want to consult with a veterinarian to know the dose that they will administer on their pets. However, not all vets will be able to prescribe the right dose because most of them do not recommend CBD as treatment.

Side Effects to Consider

The side effect is something that you should watch out for as any medication can produce this. When giving the first dose of your CBD to your kitty, you need to watch out for side effects such as tiredness and low energy. Make sure that the endocannabinoid system receives the tinctures and treats well. Know more about this system here: Read about this system here: https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1361971-overview. Fortunately, most side effects are shown to increase the cats’ appetite and decrease their anxiety. Some report that CBD acts as a sedative to the pet

Many animals are more sensitive to treats that result in too much relaxation. If you notice that your feline friend has become too sedated, it might be time to stop giving them the product and visit your vet. There are also allergic reactions, but these are rare cases.

CBD can relieve your pet’s pain, and it can improve their overall health. When you lessen the pain from their medical conditions, you can see that they will be more playful and more receptive to you. Alleviate their anxiety by giving them a CBD treat and see them go back to their previous energized selves.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.

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