Find Time To Take Care Of You: Health And Education

Amongst the nappy changes, late nights and toys you’ve tripped over and onto in the last however long, making it a mission to make yourself a priority is difficult as a mom. As we naturally feel guilty for doing something that’s solely for us and no one else. Plus with there always being something or other you can do for someone else, there never seems a right time to put down the washing up gloves, wrapping paper, paint, sewing machine [insert tool here] and say I’ve done enough today, this week, this year. While professing; “I’m going to spend a little time and do some self-nurturing, I’m going to do something for me.”

The truth is you have to train your mindset and make time for you a habit. Here are some ideas that may spark your interest to indulge in and become a better stronger you in the new year by laying more importance on your health and education.

Health and Fitness

You may be missing out on something as simple as missing breakfast every other day, or every day for that matter. This is understandable when you’re in a whirlwind trying to get the children up and ready for school, or maybe you’re too busy filling up everyone else’s juice cups you’ve forgotten to fill up your own cup to keep yourself hydrated. Although the toll on your health doesn’t propose itself instantly, over time it gradually makes an appearance and will affect your energy levels, mood and immune system. Paying attention to your health doesn’t have to mean signing up to for a gym membership (unless you want one) and a strict diet, sometimes it’s just a case of giving yourself enough fluid, nutrients, and exercise as you do for the children. For instance, making a simple rule that when you provide the children with breakfast, you’ll have something too, every time they have fruit and veggie snacks you will have a portion also, and the same goes for drinking more fluid. At least this is something you can do to improve your health if you’re stuck for time outside of looking after the children. For exercise, passive exercise such as staying active with the family by walking around the neighbourhood with the babies, not only gets the blood pumping put can reduce stress levels and anxiety.


Amongst all your diverse roles being a mother entails such as being a doctor, chef, teacher, party planner, psychiatrist, stylist and so on, your capacity to adapt between roles is incredible and also extremely time-consuming. Which leads us to the point of wondering how you can gather the time to spend a moment to study online for your MBA from home and improve your intelligence when you are stretched fulfilling all of your other roles. Fortunately, there are some ways that you can adapt your routine if learning and studying are what you truly desire. Here are a few ways to make time for you to study:

  • Order food shops online on a fortnightly basis, to save traipsing to and from the store every other day
  • Set a routine for quiet time in the evening before bed. You may be able to send the children up to their bedroom to wind down, read a book, listen to some relaxing music, to give you extra time to study in peace
  • Schedule study time for when the children nap or go to sleep
  • If you have a partner, ask for support and if when they’re at home from work, they could take over looking after the children for a while for you to study
  • Consider asking friends and family members if they may look after your children on a regular basis for a few hours
  • Choose to study a course online as a flexible, cost-effective option for working around the children

Making a choice to buckle down and commit to your studies will improve your happiness and make you feel fulfilled in many ways. One being, when you become a mother, you may lose some or all of your identity. To avoid losing yourself entirely, you should allocate time to give something back to you and learning could that something. Aside from improving your sense of self, it will also provide you with options to step up your career or to set yourself up to go back to work when the children are in school or less likely to be as dependent on you.

Taking care of your health and setting time aside to learn may be the solutions you need to build a happier healthier you. Which in turn will also have a positive impact on your children and partner. It shall also make stressful days a little more bearable, as you will have more dimensions to your life than just being a mom, as you will be taking a step to look after your health and improve your intelligence.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.

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