Leggo Bikes Introduces The Leg&Go 8-in1 Bike

I am all about bringing you some of those neat things in life and the 8-in-1 bike from Leggo Bikes is one of those neat things in life! When our daughter was younger we went from a big wheel, to a tricycle, to a big girl bike with training wheels. We never made it past the training wheel stage because our daughter was to scared of falling and she lost interested in bikes.

I know if the Leg&Go 8-in-1 bike from Leggo Bikes was around we would have made it past the training wheel stage, because this bike is designed to grow with your child from the age of 8 months to 6 years!

With the light birch plywood frame and its ability to change with your child not only does it offer support to your child for learning to walk, but also helps your child learn balance, which we all know balance is the important key to riding a bike. Once your child has mastered the balancing you can then add pedals to the 8-in-1 bike to teach them the real deal of riding a bike.

8_trike&trailer 7_tricyle 6_pedal bike 3_balance bike 2_baby bike 1_rocking elephant5_dowhnill bike4_comfort bike

With the Leg&Go 8-in-1 bike not only will your child learn balance they will also build confidence, this is a bike they can enjoy for more than 5 years, from rocking at a young age to learning to ride at a young age.

Some of the key features to the Leg&Go Bike

– for children ages 8 months to 6 years
– 8 different modifications (rocking elephant, baby bike, balance bike, comfort bike, downhill bike, pedal bike, tricycle & polar bike)
– provides support when making first steps, teaches balance and pedaling
– screws with caps at set positions alter its seat, steering, and frame
– birch plywood – elegant design, eco-friendly, non-toxic, water resistant, durable & flexible
– natural suspension smoothes out bumps on roads and safeguards spine
– steering limiter for safety and can be reset
– bigger front wheel for more precise steering

Check out the video to see the bike in action!


There is nothing like the Leg&Go 8-in-1 bike on the market, this is a bike that will teach and grow with your child, one that will be worth every penny spent on it. Leg&Go has launched a Kickstarter campaign for the project and if you’re looking for the perfect bike for your little one this would be it! I know if we have another child this will be our go to bike.

Support Leg&Go and let’s change the way our children learn to ride bike. You can support them by donating to their campaign by going here. If you would like to learn more about the product you can do so by visiting the Leggo Bikes website.

Make sure you also follow Leggo Bikes on their social media channels to stay up to date on the product.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | KickStarter Campaign

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.


  1. Thank you Jammie for this review. Very useful one! This bike looks so neat, I think I might get this for my nieces, they would love it! It is so practical, I even wish there would be a version for grownups too!

    • Jammie Morey says

      That would be cool or even older kids. My daughter never got into riding bikes, makes me kind of sad.

  2. Annie Carter says

    I got myself one. Well not for myself but my little princess. Now there are some great deals on Kickstarter which werent there before.. guess it is because people donated all the sum needed. Glad for them :)

  3. What a cool thing for kids!!

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