Conceive Easy – Fertibella Month 3

Disclosure: Month 1 and 2 were sent to me for review purposes. Since trying the product I am of my own free will ordering and blogging the addition months.

In 2000, when I was 21 years old and about 100 pounds less, my husband and I got pregnant with our daughter. We had no plans to have another child anytime soon, so we thought it was best I get on birth control pills. After all our daughter wasn’t planned.

In 2009, I so badly wanted another child, my husband and I discussed this, our daughter was 8 and we agreed I would remove myself from birth control pills and what happened would happen. While we didn’t think it would be hard to get pregnant a second time, since we got pregnant once, we were wrong. Birth Control pills messed me system up so bad, my hormones were a mess.

I was beginning to lose hope that we wouldn’t have a second child. While I am very grateful for my daughter, I would love to give her a sibling. In 2015, I will turn 36, and I know I am very short on time when it comes to conceiving, and I would honestly try just about anything.  So when I received the e-mail asking if I would be interested in trying conceiveeasy I got the biggest grin on my face and I was glowing with excitement.

I didn’t know what conceiveeasy was at the time, however, I knew it had something to do with getting pregnant. After looking over the product my husband and I agreed it was worth a shot. I was very skeptical about this product, only because pills promising to help you achieve something usually are to good to be true.

At first, I didn’t think I would see a difference, however, with having already been off the pill since 2009, I had nothing to lose. I started taking ConceiveEasy in November, I missed a few doses here and there, I started seeing a difference in my body almost from the start. My monthly changed as well, and those annoying black hairs I once got on my chin no longer grew. I was starting to like this already, shortly after starting the pill I took an ovulation test and learned I was ovulating.

To be honest, before the pills I don’t think I ovulated, so it was a relief to see some sign of ovulation. Once month 1 was completed I went on to month 2. I knew my hormones were bad, I was growing annoying hairs on my chin, my monthly was heavy, hard, and long, I didn’t expect to conceive in month 1 or 2, but I sure had hope and I took several pregnancy tests.

Once month 2 was almost gone I thought maybe we conceived, I was starting to have some symptoms and I was 10 days late. The first two days I spotted and thought for certain this was implantation. Needless to say I believe it was my hormones attempting to get normal. Since month 2 has come and gone, and I am finally seeing hope that we might just get our second child, I ordered month 3. (Yes, if I review a product and I love it, I make additional purchases)

conceive easy month 3


I have been taking my temp every morning before rolling out of bed, I keep track of everything with an app called Fertility Friend. I know that it may take a little while to get pregnant while taking conceiveeasy and conceiveeasy knows every female body is different and they have 12 different blends of conceiveeasy to help those having fertility problems achieve getting pregnant.

While many things can play a factor in the baby making not everyone who uses the product will get pregnant and there’s a chance that I may not conceive while taking conceiveeasy, however, I have seen a big different in my body and I am willing to give it a try. I will continue to order the monthly pills until we conceive or I have completed the 12 month system.

Conceiveeasy is a very affordable system for those having difficulties conceiving or for those who have found their hormones to be out of whack, I wish I would have learned about this product sooner.

Keep an eye on the sidebar, because once we conceive I am not saying anything to anyone, however, you will notice a conceiveeasy button go up. That is my way of saying WE DID IT, without saying WE DID IT until after we do the whole doctor check-up and such.

Have you ever had difficulties conceiving? What we some steps you took to get pregnant, have you ever used conceiveeasy?

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.


  1. Sandy Cain says

    Oh, wow, that is SO exciting! I have my fingers crossed for you!!!!! I find it astounding that that this ConceiveEasy could work so great! Praying for you!!!!!! (I never had trouble getting pregnant, I only had 1 child though, couldn’t afford any more!)

  2. Wow, i have been trying to conceive for atleast 6 to 7 years i never went out and got help, always feeling something was wrong with me, and everyone around me with their kids, and me desiring to have a kid, i recently just ordered my fertibella, waiting on it to come in

    • Jammie Morey says

      I wish you a lot of luck, we have been off birth control since 09, we have a daughter who is 13, but I am so wanting another child. We also just got my husband a pill to make sure his count is up. Hopefully soon we will get a positive test, however, if we don’t then I guess I am just not meant to be a momma twice. Best of luck to you.

      • Hello,

        I wanted to know if this prodect has worked for you? I am thinking of purchasing the product, but would love some feed back on it.

        Thank you!

        • Jammie Morey says

          Have I noticed changes to my cycle yes, has it helped me conceive, at this time no. I am about to try a new product and see if that will give me better luck. Everyones body is different and this product has been great success to some, I think my body needs more.

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