One of the biggest things I regret, is being put on birth control pills after I had my daughter. I also regret waiting so long to attempt to have a second child. While I stopped taking birth control in 2009, some where a long the line my body went nuts. I recently found out I was insulin resistant, I think I have PCOS because of how not normal my monthly is.
One month I may have my monthly a week, the next month I will have it for almost 3 weeks, sometimes I will have a 31 day cycle, and sometimes it will be 44 days.
I was put on Metformin about 5 months ago, but I stopped taking it because of the horrible side effects. I decided to do a little research and discovered I could take Imodium A.D to help with the side effects from the Metformin. So I decided to give it another try, now I am taking my Metformin, Vitex, Maca Root and prenatal vitamins.
I am hoping my hormones will all balance themselves out and we will get blessed with a second child. With my daughter going on 13 next month, I am ready for another child!
How many of you had issues conceiving? What were some of the times you did to help better your chance? I know one thing I have to do is lose weight.
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