How to Add Latest Tweets to Your Website with the 2013 API

If you display your Twitter feed on your website with the old JSON URL API, then you have probably noticed they no longer work. This is because Twitter no longer supports these type of feeds, and have redesigned their application program interface to use widgets and web intents. The changes allow Twitter users to do much more than just display their latest tweets, but also allow visitors to interact with their Twitter account right from the web page.

The new API changes require that you create a widget within in your account, and then place the widget code on your website. Below is a widget I created on my Twitter account.

Tweets by @FBKStaff

Whenever Twitter makes changes to their API, it disrupts thousands of Twitter web feeds all over the Internet. Despite these problems, the 2013 Twitter API changes offer Twitter users several advantages over the previous development implementation.

Through the use of web intents and widgets, it’s more difficult for 3rd parties to display user feeds without permission. The new API works with authentication, and allows you to make Twitter an interactive part of your website. As long as visitors are logged into their Twitter account, they can post to your Twitter right from your website. Love it or hate it, this is Twitter’s latest move towards making feeds more secure. You’ll have to adapt to some changes, but this time around at least they have a real purpose.

About Allen Morey

Allen Morey is a freelance writer and co-developer of . His industry experience includes system administration, web design, SEO and marketing. Visit on Google+ for more information.


  1. Wasted My Time says

    Useless post.

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