Origami Owl, The Story of Your Life Review and Giveaway


How many of you have heard of Origami Owl? Origami Owl, is a custom jewelry company started by a 16 year old girl, who was on a mission to save money to purchase a car. Today, it’s a very successful business, with thousands of independent designers, who host parties or as they like to call them Jewelry Bars.

The idea behind the line, is to allow women to share their stories in a different way. With the see-through lockets, you can add whatever charms you would like to help you share your story.

I personally had never heard of this product until recently. When I was first approached, I looked at it, as another necklace. I had no interest, but after looking at the site, and realizing that you customize the jewelry to fit you, and that you made it your story, I grew interested to learn more.

I was able to make my own Origami Owl necklace to tell my story. My necklace arrived in what I like to call a Chinese take out box. I think this is neat, I am not sure if this has the meaning I see it as. However, I see the box representing Chinese, and with Chinese we know we have fortune cookies. Inside the fortune cookie, we have a fortune. Well, inside this box is our fortune of the life, we have already had.

origami owl jewelry

As I opened the box I found a cute pouch that was like the fortune cookie, and inside was my necklace.

origami owl package

Now let me share with you my story.

origami storyer Birthstone. I also had the tag “Blessed” included.

Now let me tell you why: The August Birthstone represents when I became a mom, it’s the month my life changed many years ago, which then leads me to the forever family charm, we will forever be a family no matter what happened in the past, or what may happen in the future. Family to me is a forever things. I love my dog, that says it all, we brought bones into our lives about a year ago, and he has played a huge role in our lives, he is like our son. The June Birthstone represents a lot in my life, my husband and I both have birthdays in June, and we were also married in June. The pink fluffy heart represents how my heart feels, and of course the tag, blessed. That means I am forever blessed.

I will be adding more charms to my locket, I love that the lockets are a window to your story, and that each charm is meant to represent something, whether it’s something big, or something small.

This Mother’s Day get your mom a Origami Owl necklace, that will help her tell her story.

If you’re not sure which charms your mom would like best, give her a gift certificate so she can pick out what represents her life the best. If you would like this by Mother’s Day you will have to use the express shipping method.

One lucky reader of The Neat Things in Life, is going to have a chance to check out their products first hand. Valerie has generously offered to give one of you a $25 gift certificate, so you to can experience the beauty in this jewelry.

In order to use the gift certificate you will have to purchase through her link, if you’re the winner, I will also give you more information on what needs to be done at checkout. :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.


  1. shannon Baas says

    mini gold living locket.

  2. Francisca S. says

    I really like the rose gold lockets :)

  3. Dena Garascia says

    I would get either a tagged necklace or a locket with charms for each one of my boys.

  4. Monique Rizzo says

    I would get a living locket with the forever family charm.
    Thanks for the chance.

  5. Daily Woman (Lacey) says

    I like the daisy, the Earth, the pearl, and teachers apple. The chocolate locket is a favorite too. Its a hard choice to pick.

  6. The Rose Gold Locket (and a matching chain) would be just stunning to wear!

  7. Rachel Travis says

    I would purchase one of the family lockets for my mom!

  8. Melissa M says

    I’ve been wanting to get a Cardinal, baseball, and a S, T, and L

  9. judy gardner says

    i would get a locket for my sister with a laptop, camera and MOM for sure. maybe add the family heart and suitcase later. probably in silver, medium or small size.

  10. Kaelyn L. says

    Large rose gold living locket w/ Rose Gold Infinity Charm,Wedding Ring,Family Heart and my childrens birthstones!


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