Multi-purpose items are always a hit for me. I love when an item has many different uses. Recently, I was introduced to a fun multi-purpose product, the Teddy Tank. The Teddy Tank is a combination of a plush animal, nightlight, and fish tank. Of course you can use the fish bowl as something else, I personally love it as a fish tank.
The Teddy Tank got its start two years ago when a college student named Spencer Grabois had an idea. Through much hard work, Spencer has turned his idea into an actual product. The Teddy Tank has received many great reviews, and was even named one of the five best product picks by veterinarian Dr. Marty Becker at the 2012 Global Pet Expo.
The Teddy Tank comes in different animals. My favorites were the frog and the penguin. My daughter chose the Penguin, to review.
The Teddy Tank comes with everything you need to get your tank set up and running. You will receive the tank, the neat pet, the decorations for the tank, water conditioner, betta food, and a fish net. All you have to do is get the betta and you are set.

As you can see our betta is loving his new home, and my daughter is loving her new fishy.
The Teddy Tank makes a great addition to any child’s bedroom. The nightlight doesn’t give off much light, but over all we love the Teddy Tank.
This holiday when you start to make those purchases make sure you check into getting a Teddy Tank. You can order them online for $39.99
We received a Teddy Tank for review purposes only, no other form of payment was received, this is our honest opinion and others may vary.
This would be so great for my mom! Thanks for the post.
This is horribly inhumane for a betta fish.they breathe air and this restricts them from getting fresh air. This is also wY too small for a fish. Imagine being crammed in a bowl this small.and lastly it has no filter or heater. Plz have respect for the fishes life and get rid of it. Use it as a piggy bank or what ever and give the fish a proper home, that is if its not already dead.
Have you seen the fish bowls for fish? Betta fish do not require filters of heaters. When taken care of properly, this fish tanks is fine. It’s called changing the water every few days.