With the economy being a mess, we’re trying to find more cost efficient ways to live life. Whether we are using the energy efficient light bulbs, energy star appliances, or changing the way we get back and forth to work.
If you are a dummy to “being green” like I am, Green Works has put together some great videos that will help you become more green. Just head on over to their facebook page, like them and check out some of their tips.
One of my favorite tips would be starting at surface level in the bathroom. I would have never thought to add linoleum to the walls to help prevent mildew, or getting a mildew resistant paint. Never new such thing existed. Yea, I am living in the dark age, it is time I come to the new age and start doing things around the home to be more green.
I also like the idea of getting a new toilet, I have learned by getting a HE toilet it can reduce the water waste.
Disclosure: This post is my entry to win a Clorox® Green Works® giveaway on the Mom Bloggers Club.
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