Black LG Rumor from Kajeet

A while back I won a LG Rumor from a giveaway Liz @ Pink Lemonade was hosting, her sponsor was Kajeet. I just received the phone on Thursday. I opened the package up and pulled the phone out and was very impressed with the phone. But I had promised this phone to my nephew so back to the mail it went to make a trip to its final destination. I would have kept the phone and activated it for my {Read More}


Entering contest’s is one of my highs in life. I love getting the email saying I was a winner. It tickles me and then I have to brag about it to everyone. Same thing about getting freebies in the mail. I gotta tell everyone. I guess I just have a big mouth. A few days ago Melanie from Ramblings Of A Wannabe Writer sent me an email saying I won the sinupret contest. I was so excited. I went and {Read More}