Journey Gym 70 Day Challenge Day 51 & 52

You probably noticed I didn’t post a post yesterday. I was super busy, and today I am not feeling all to well. However, I am going to attempt to do a real quick workout before bed. I went to the doctors today, to discuss an issue I have been having, I also informed her, that their scales was broke! It is showing my weight way off, but once I explained to her what I was doing, she let me know {Read More}

Journey Gym 70 Day Challenge Day 49

I only have 20 more days of the 70 day Journey Gym Challenge. A lot can happen in those 20 days, I do no once it’s done, I will be going on and continuing with my journey. I probably won’t post daily like I have been, but I will keep the updates coming. As each day goes by, I am able to do more and more things, and I am loving it. I love how working out makes me feel. {Read More}

How Raspberry Ketones Work to Promote Weight-Loss

Since the dawn of the Raspberry Ketones diet craze, countless people have reported impressive weight-loss results from using these innovative supplements. While there are always new diet supplements that make claims that are almost too good to be true, Raspberry Ketones are one of the few exceptions that are backed by scientific facts. Highly Concentrated Ketone Extracts The Raspberry Ketones supplement contains a variety of ingredients, and they all work together to promote weight-loss through improved fat burning. The supplement {Read More}

Journey Gym 70 Day Challenge Day 47

Whew, I almost forgot I needed to get up today’s post. Thankfully, I still have a little bit of time, I am sitting here sweating my butt off, trying to get my heart rate to come down. I need to see about getting a heart rate monitor so I can keep track of my zones. I just finished my second workout for the day, and I will probably be heading to bed here soon. I like to get in a {Read More}

Journey Gym 70 Day Challenge Day 46

Day 46 has come and is almost gone. I only have 24 more days of the 70 day challenge, I cannot believe how fast this time has gone. I have noticed that my body feels ran down, if I wait to long to get in my daily workout. I know this is a good thing, because it means my body is wanting that extra boost. I will be searching the internet to see if I can find some healthy crock {Read More}

Journey Gym 70 Day Challenge Day 45

Day 45 is complete. I think I am in need of some new workout clothes, I have come so far in my journey, and I have along way to go still. When I first started working out, I did it barefoot, I am not a fan of wearing shoes, and if I could go barefoot, all the time I would. Today, when I was working out the right bottom foot was hurting, so I went a head and put my {Read More}