Essentia Water Review

Water has been my main drink for over a year now. While I still grab for a cup of tea or a soda once in a blue moon, I know water is the way to go if I want to not drink my calories. Recently, I was sent some Essentia Water. At first, I thought it was going to be just another bottle of water. I usually drink my water from the tap, we have some of the best tap {Read More}

My Journey Has Only Begun

As you go through life you are often thrown curve balls. Some will hurt, some with hurt not so bad, some will teach you a lesson, and some will keep you on the same path you had been traveling. The past month I was thrown a curve ball, I tried to hit it, but I missed. A lot of things happened and only those close to me know the details. With this curve ball, I did get off track a {Read More}

Journey Gym 70 Day Challenge Day 62 – 67

It’s been awhile since I last updated this post, I can also say it’s been awhile since I used the Journey Gym. I have been very busy lately, however, although I have not been using the journey gym, I still have been trying to work out and trying to stay focused on my weight loss. Since I last blogged about my progress, I have lost 4 pounds, which is awesome. I was getting tired of the scale bouncing up instead {Read More}

Journey Gym 70 Day Challenge Day 60 & 61

Only 9 more days left of the 70 day Journey Gym Challenge! As I get near the end the scale has started to move, I am excited to be wrapping this up, and I am taking away from this experience so much knowledge. Although, the challenge will be complete review wise, my journey will never be complete, I still have a lot to learn and a lot to change, and I know in time everything will come together. I do {Read More}

Getting Fit With BodyMedia Fit Core

Losing weight can be a challenge, and often times it can be discouraging. We all know it only takes a few carbs, sugars, and processed foods to put on the weight, but it takes  a whole lot more veggies, clean eating, and exercise to get that weight back off. When you’re a bigger person all this can become complicated, so having the proper tools to help you a long the way, can keep your mind at ease when hitting those {Read More}

Journey Gym 70 Day Challenge Day 59

Today is the day where there’s no going back, it’s all straight forward from here! Day 59 is not behind, you might be wondering where the vlog for these two weeks have been. Well, I have decided from here on out, I will not vlog the progress, and I will not step on the scale or take my measurements. I think the measurements and the scale is holding me back some. So from here on out, it’s busting my butt, {Read More}