Save on Yoplait Greek Style Yogurt at #Publix

Disclosure: The information and prize pack have been provided by General Mills through Platefull Co-Op. If you’re like me and trying to lose weight, I am sure you have looked for different products that were low in calories but gave you so many other benefits and also tasted yummy. I have found Yoplait Greek 100 Yogurt to not only satisfy my urge for something sweet, but also give me the much needed protein I need. The Yoplait Greek 100 Vanilla {Read More}

Weight Loss, Protein, Counting Calories

I have been MIA a lot lately, and this is because I have been attempting this weight loss thing again. I am not sure who the person is who figured out all these numbers that come with weight loss, but they annoy me. First off, I have been counting calories, I have been counting my intake of fiber and protein. I have found it to be a challenge to get in all the protein I need, but with all the {Read More}

All Good April With Carrington Farms #CarringtonAllGoodApril

Losing weight is not as easy as one, two, three. While for some they have no problem managing their weight, and for others it’s an everyday struggle. I happen to be one of those people who struggle daily. It wasn’t until recently, I started to get serious about my weight. I started researching foods that were good for me, foods I should stay away from, and what types of exercises I should do. Two different products I learned were very {Read More}

Puritan’s Pride Supplements Review

I have tried to make weight loss my main focus for many years, however, it seems as if I always fail at accomplishing my goals. I have decided in 2014, I will be doing whatever I possibly can to lose weight, I even turned Dizzy Mommy Chronicles into my weight loss blog, in hopes that blogging my weight will help me reach my goals. Recently, I was sent some products from Puritan’s Pride, to help aid me in my weight {Read More}

Review Bloggers Please Read

I wanted to bring this to the attention of all the review bloggers out there. The reason I thought this needed to be address is because the company that sent the package I am about to discuss stated, they have sent out hundreds of samples the way I received mine, and they have never had an issue, and I was the first one to email them about this problem. I find this to be very scary, the fact that bloggers {Read More}

Becoming A Healthier You In 2014

I have had weight problems for a large part of my life. I remember when I hit about the age of 13 the weight just started coming on, and no matter how active I was, the weight was going no where. I went through a depression state and things got out of hand. There are many things that played a role for my continue weight gain when I became an adult. The main one was poor food choices, then the {Read More}