Weight Loss Going Solo

When I think of losing weight is scares the hell out of me. How am I going to be able to do this all solo. Am I strong enough to stick to this whole exercising, and watching those calories I put into my body? I wanted to join Weight Watchers, because of the great success rate they have, but just like joining a gym, money is always a factor, prices are to high for one to afford these options. The {Read More}

Been Awhile

Well it has been awhile since I last posted. It has been really hot here. And I have just been enjoying my daughter. My weight loss blog has taken a back burner as well. But I am still watching everything I eat and keeping it under 1500 calories I havent been losing much weight just staying about the same. I am hoping I will continue to lose some until I can get the wii active sports and really start working {Read More}

Interested in doing PR

If you have been following my other blog you know I am busting my behind to lose weight. Ok I am not really busting it but I am watching everything I eat and trying to keep my calorie intake below 1500 so far so good. I also have been walking on most days I am walking over 3 miles. Might not seem like a lot to you. But to a fat girl that is a lot. HAH. Tomorrow thanks to {Read More}

My Sister

I have the best sister ever. She knows I have been trying to lose weight. And she has seen first hand how hot it gets in SW Tennessee. Well I have been walking 30min to an hour a day and I will be soaked in sweat but its good for me. Well she left me a message on facebook saying she was gonna try to get me a Wii to help me indoors so I don’t need to go out {Read More}

Yes I Can

Well I am going to bring all my readers along with me on my weight loss journey. My daughters schooling is done for the summer. We have reading to work on still but she is starting to enjoy reading and our 30 minutes a day is turning into an hour or more. But that is another post. Let’s get back to me and my struggle to lose weight. I went and bought some Acai Berry pills today I am going {Read More}

I don’t know…

Well my weight is getting WAY out of control it’s time I STOP and think about what’s going on with my body. I quit my job about 1 1/2 years ago to be a stay at home mom and wife full time. I also home school my daughter and I will admit I am LAZY. I clean but not like I should. A lot of my focus is schooling my daughter and entering sweeps. Since I quit my job I {Read More}