Main Focus

In 2011, The Neat Things in Life’s main focus is going to be on weight loss. It is time this momma puts focus on herself to become healthier, so that I can be here for my family for many years to come. So, if there is any companies that would like to see their product featured on The Neat Things in Life, and it is fitness and/or health related, please feel free to contact me! I am interested in reviewing, {Read More}

Weight Loss | Fitness

Do you have a product that is great for weight loss, and fitness? Wanna see it below, please feel free to contact me to see how. All links here will stay until January 1st, 2012! Workout Videos: Amira Mor – What better way to get fit, then with a little belly dancing fun. Big Yoga – Yoga for the bigger person, great way to get those body parts moving smoothly. Drinks: CalNaturale – Offers great tasting protein energy drinks. Soda {Read More}

Diet-Free for Life by Robert Ferguson

If you have been reading my blog this past month, then you have noticed, I have been focusing a lot on weight loss. I have come to the realization that in order for me to be 100% happy, and able to care for my daughter 100% I need to first stay motivated in losing weight and keeping it off! So through out the month of January I have brought you several reviews, as well as some great giveaways during the {Read More}

Diet VS Life Style Change

On my last post “Does Calorie Counting Work” I got an interesting comment. However, it looked to be spam, it was linked to a debt consolidation place in the UK, so I trashed it. I want to address a few things in this comment though so below you will see the comment, then I will give my opinion on the matter. I agree with you that calorie counting doesn’t work. A few years ago I went on a very strict {Read More}

Does Calorie Counting Work

Just a few weeks ago I made a statement, that calorie counting wasn’t for me. I said I would rather just watch what I was eating and go from there, well I am here to say I was so wrong. Calorie counting is indeed for me, I did a review on From Fat To Fit by Carole Carson and after reading Carole’s story it made me realize if I went public with my weight issues, I to could see the {Read More}

The Elliptical My New Best Friend

So these past few days, I have been working out on the elliptical machine. All I can say is whew, I can only handle 10 minutes at a time, but 10 minutes is better then none right? I am doing the elliptical 2 to 3 times a day making it be 20 to 30 minutes a day. I can feel the workout through my whole body. I have also been doing rather well on my calorie intake, I have been {Read More}