Bob Harper’s Smart Success 7-Day Cleanse Review

I have never kept it a secret that I have been a struggler with my weight for a long time. Depression stinks, I will get going good, then the scale will say I had a gain, then that hopelessness sinks in, and I see no point in trying. I have tried several diets, changed a lot of things. However, all it takes for me is to see a plus count on that scale. I know I need to try harder, {Read More}

National Snack Month Oh My!

Did you know February is National Snack Month! I sure didn’t, what a way to ruin a perfect New Year’s Resolution! Thank goodness there is Yum Yum Dishes, if you are just now starting to follow The Neat Things in Life, then you may not know what Yum Yum Dishes are, well they are hand painted, 4 ounce bowls great for snacking. These neat little dishes, were created by a mom that often over snacked. This was her way to {Read More}

The Scale is Stuck on Stupid!

So for some reason, although I have been working out, and keeping my calorie intake to a certain amount, the scale is stuck on stupid. It does not want to budge. However, I will not get discouraged, I will keep working out, I am going to step it up and work out a bit more then what I have been. I need to get those numbers to move. I am also going to up my calories just a tad bit, {Read More}

The Biggest Loser

This is my first year, watching The Biggest Loser, I have heard about it before, but never really got into the show. This year as I watched the first episode, I seen one of the girls being almost my size. As she was going up to the scale I looked at my daughter, and asked her if I looked like that, she of course said no, that she thought the girl was bigger them me. Well to be honest she {Read More}


We are now almost a month into 2011, so far everything is going AWESOME! As of this minute I am down 11 pounds! Can you believe that, I have done lost 11 FRICKEN POUNDS! I am beyond excited, I am ready to rid myself of this fat. Next week, I will be posting pictures of the scales so I can show you all how I am seriously losing weight at a nice speed, with a little exercise, and watching my {Read More}

Sauna Suit

Awe yes a sauna suit! I have been hearing so much about sauna suits lately, I had no clue what they was until recently. I was talking with Jen from over at Mommy’s Hangout and she was telling me all about them, telling me I had to get one! See us bloggers do talk, we do recommend awesome products to each other. She told me I could get one from Wal-mart for about 10 bucks! So I went to {Read More}