Active Accessories Review

If you’re over weight like I am, you probably feel the same way about losing weight. It’s no picnic! The scales can be your worst enemy. After my father in law passed all my hard work went down the drain, I got depressed and I let depression get the better of me. It seems no matter how hard I try, it’s not good enough, and I end up back in that depression state. Having great accessories to help along in {Read More}

HealthEar (Weightloss) Review

You may have heard by rubbing certain areas on your feet you can cause one to have great sensation. This is because of pressure points in our bodies. We all have pressure points, and the pressure points control certain aspects of your body and mind. Did you know there’s also many pressure points in your ear? With this being said, I was recently introduced to a product called healthEAR. This product is a custom device that can be setup to {Read More}

Tied to Be Fit Kicks Off in January!

Every year I make the resolution to lose weight, and every year I lose a great deal. Towards the end of the year I have so much going on, I tend to lose focus of everything and I end up gaining a small amount back. With those small gains, also come great loses and the drive to keep me going at it. I have found by surrounding myself with things that make me happy keep me motivated. In my weight {Read More}

EatSmart Gives Back

I love EatSmart, I love everything about them. Their products, their kindness, their WANT to help others, and the ones behind the company. Every month EatSmart gives back, they let their fans pick which charity to give back to… This month they will be giving back to Lower East Side Recovers. Hurricane Sandy has did a lot of damage, I have not seen first hand the damage, however, I have seen pictures and seen the talk of other bloggers who {Read More}

Linwoods Ground Flax, Sunflower, Pumpkin & Sesame Seeds & Goji Berries Review

If you have been following The Neat Things in Life, then you know I have been living a healthier lifestyle. While I try my best to stay on track I do sometimes side step. I am only human I am not perfect, and I am doing this weight loss thing somewhat solo. I can say I am proud of my progress so far even though I have made some mistakes a long the way. With living healthier I have been {Read More}

Special K Love

I have a big addiction, not only is it to do reviews, it is also to enter giveaways. Not long ago I got a direct message from Special K, they wanted to thank me for being their friend on twitter, and wanted to send me a special gift! I was super excited not only because Kellogg’s is a company based from my home state of Michigan, but because they noticed little ol me out of 7,000 other followers. I quickly {Read More}