Journey Gym 70 Day Challenge Day 6

I went to bed last night hoping, today would have been a day off. They say work out 5 days a week, and take two off. Well I was mistaken, I woke up to another email, with what was in-store for today. To be honest, I dreaded it, I honestly didn’t want to work out today. Not because I am lazy of anything, well yea I am lazy, but because I was super sore from the past 5 days. When {Read More}

Journey Gym 70 Day Challenge Day 3

I swear once I get this fat off, I am not going back to my old ways. This is killer! The sad part, these are only tiny 5 minute no sweat workouts, I can only imagine how things are going to get soon. I have finished day three of the 70 day Journey Gym Challenge, I would like to say it was easy, but then I would be lying. I mean if I was about 100 pounds less, it may {Read More}

A New Chapter

There comes a time in ones life, where they have to say enough is enough, and make changes. I have said this many times, I have tried many times to make the changes needed. However, I am weak and I am the first to admit it, when I see numbers not going in the direction they should, I get discourage, I give up, I cry, and I look in the mirror and pray. I pray to find the strength to {Read More}

5 Weight Loss Tips for Workaholics Using

It’s easy to explain away weight gain when you’re working 12-hour days. “I sit in front of a computer all day.” “I don’t have time to work out.” “I just get drive-thru for lunch.” It’s a challenge to lose weight when you have a busy schedule, but you simply have to make time for something as important as your long-term health. That means the muffin top, the love handles, and the junk in your trunk – all of them have {Read More}

Hit A Curve Ball

Or a curve ball hit me! I have been using the Journey Gym for the last few months, while I haven’t lost as much weight as I would have liked to at this point in my journey to finding the skinny me, I have lost 6 pounds, and I have lost a few inches. I was thrown a curve ball, and I ended up having to cut back on working out. This was not planned and it has made me {Read More}

5 weeks with Journey Gym

I am just now going into 5 weeks with the Journey Gym. Video will be coming soon I promise! Let’s get to some details though. When I first started the 70 day challenge, I wasn’t making it past 5 to 10 minutes at a time, I slowly got myself up to 15 minute workouts, and the first few weeks were a bit rough, now that I am going into week 5 I am able to workout for the full 20 {Read More}