Let Tiny Prints Help You With Back-to-School and Giveaway

Back to school can be very stressful for parents. We have to worry about our children all day, worry whether they’re eating at lunch. Worry about them fitting in, worry about what is being taught, and also worry about whether the Teacher will be able to get a hold of us if something were to happen. Going Back to School with Tiny Prints can help ease that anxiety we as parents maybe having this time of year. By using their {Read More}

Back-to-School Survival Guide (Crayola, GNO)

Looking for tips on how to transition from summer break to back to school? Then tweet the night away with other Mom It Forward gals at #gno this Tuesday on Twitter as we talk about back-to-school survival. * What: Crayola Creativitycast on #gno (Click here to learn more about #gno!) * When: Tuesday, August 4, 9-11 p.m. EST * Where: Tweetgrid (Use hashtags #gno & #crayola.) * Topic: Back-to-School Survival Guide * Who: @coolcatteacher from Cool Cat Teacher, @crayola, @momadvice {Read More}

Crayola Creativitycast (Update)

Due to technical issues the hashtag has changed from #crayolagno to simply just #gno. Also Mr. Linky is not showing up in the RSVP post @ Momitforward.com so please leave your twitter url in the comments instead so the #GNO gals have the opportunity to follow and be followed all in one place. Keep checking back for more information about Crayola Creativitycast. I will keep you all posted and updated on the upcoming topics. Also thanks to MyBlogSpark and Crayola {Read More}

Crayola Creativitycast

As we all know back to school shopping can be a headache. Not only do we have to shop for clothes and shoes we also have to shop for school supplies. I know when my daughter went to public schools we got a list of all the items we had to buy for her as well as items for her class room. Now we home school and we still have the school supplies to purchase. With the economy the way {Read More}

Win a Wii Fit with #KidsWeigh

With childhood obesity reaching an all time high across the country, many parents struggle with how to help their children maintain a healthy weight with proper nutrition. Dr. Joanna Dolgoff, the official doctor of Camp Shane and a board certified pediatrician, has created Dr. Dolgoff’s Weigh, a traffic-light system that allows kids to learn which foods are healthiest without counting calories. To spread the word about her site and program, Dr. Weigh, is sponsoring a Wii Fit contest to help {Read More}