Relieve Stress With Coloring

I am a brand Ambassador for Oriental Trading. I received product samples in exchange for my honest review. This review is based strictly on my opinion and others will vary based on product and experience. No other type of compensation was received for this review. Life can be extremely stressful. Over the past few years, life has thrown me many obstacles. Things that should have broke me made me stronger in many ways. As a child I loved coloring, I {Read More}

Contented Canine: How To Banish Your Dog’s Stress

Just like humans, dogs can feel stress and anxiety when their life isn’t going their way. Some dogs experience separation anxiety when they’re apart from their favorite humans; others get anxious around other dogs, or in the car. If your dog is experiencing digestive issues, a lack of appetite or they’re sleeping for longer than usual, or becoming more aggressive than usual; they could be experiencing stress. Here are some ways to ensure your dog is as happy and healthy {Read More}

A Better Life: Real Stress Busters for True Inner Peace

There are definitely better ways to tackle moments of stress in your life, without pouring yourself a stiff drink or lighting up a cigarette. Taking alcohol to combat certainly isn’t a recommended strategy, as you may end up using the services of drink driving lawyers, amongst other consequences, so how can you fight stress in a better way? Improve your physical and mental health Stress affects us in different ways and some people seem to be more adept at coping {Read More}

The Health Benefits of Religion

It is no secret that religion can have a positive impact on your life. However, one of the things that does not get discussed very often is the fact that practicing religion on a regular basis can make a person healthier. The many health benefits of religion have only started to be studied in recent years, but the data that has been compiled so far seems to indicate that religious people are noticeably healthier in a number of areas than {Read More}

Holiday Gift Guide: Too Many Rocks in Your Pocket

As an adult living day by day can be stressful. We have to worry about what seems like everything, and while we go through-out the day, we tend to keep adding more stress on to our plates. Our in this case our pockets. I was recently introduced to a company, that knows all to well about the everyday stress people carry around with them. Too Many Rocks in Your Pocket, was designed to help people be more aware of the {Read More}

Looking For Real Estate

Have you ever found yourself looking at real estate in other states? I have several family members in the army, and they often find themselves moving a lot! In the past 13 years my husband and I have been together we have moved about 6 times, however, all 6 of those moves were from Michigan to Tennessee and back and forth. If you ask me it was nothing but a waste of money! I do love looking at real estate {Read More}