Spread Cheer This #CookieSeason With Betty Crocker and Ziploc

The holiday season can be one of the busiest and most stressful times of the year. Not only do we stress about making sure we get everything our kids want on their Christmas lists, but we also want to make sure we get the people in our lives that have been there for us through-out the year a little something. If your family is like mine, after shopping for the kids, things are usually tight and we have no money {Read More}

#WeightLossJourney Begins With Weight Watchers Endorsed Products

Disclosure: The information, products and Publix gift cards were provided by General Mills through Linqia. With having always struggled with my weight from a very young age, I was excited to see many different weight watchers endorsed products at the grocery store. Over the past year, I took the stand to fight against the rising numbers on the scale. With changing when and how I ate, I was able to drop 60 pounds in 2014.  Having weight watchers endorsed products {Read More}

Celebrate the Holidays with Pillsbury Cookies #platefullcoop

Disclosure: The information and prize pack have been provided by General Mills through Platefull Co-Op. With the Christmas holiday here many will be baking. If I could pick one memory about my childhood and the holidays it would have to be making all the sweet treats to hand out to the different family members. We would make hard rock candy, laffy taffy, truffles, fudge and cookies! I love that as an adult I have so many different ready to bake {Read More}

Discover the Homemade Taste of Progresso! #PlatefullCoOp

Disclosure: The information and prize pack have been provided by General Mills through Platefull Co-Op. With cold winter months ahead of us, it’s time to stock up on that soup! We know that winter cold brings all those nasty cold viruses and one way to soothe the throat and keep those tummies warm is a nice bowl of soup. We love all sorts of soups in my house, the most popular would be chicken noodle. I love taking a nice {Read More}

Save on Liberte and Cascadian Farm at Publix! #PlatefullCoOp

Disclosure: The information and a prize pack have been provided by General Mills through Platefull Co-Op. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Through-out the day we eat small meals every few hour’s, however, 6 to 8 hours passes from night until morning when we eat our first meal of the day. I don’t know about you, but when I skip breakfast I tend to be hungrier through-out the day, and I eat more. Our body {Read More}

Celebrate October Fresh Savings at Publix #PlatefullCoOp

Disclosure: The information and prize pack have been provided by General Mills through Platefull Co-Op. Feeding the family can become pretty expensive, especially if you happen to have a large family! I always dread the task of going to the store, because I know I will always spend more then what I tend to spend. To make things easier on the pocket book, I always hit up the sales with coupons! Awesome deals pairs with coupons equal huge savings! Publix {Read More}