Trying to Conceive with the Help of Fairhaven Health Fertility Products

If you follow my site, you probably know that I would love to have a second child. However, this road has been very bumpy and I am almost to the point of losing hope that my family will be blessed with another child to love, cherish and adore. I stopped taking birth control pills in 2009, after I stopped taken them, my monthly also stopped. It stopped for three years, then became very weird. I was very irregular and would {Read More}

Battling Fertility Problems

When my husband and I started talking about having a second child, we never thought we would still be attempting to conceive 6 years later. I knew I wouldn’t get pregnant as soon as I stopped taking birth control pills, however, I didn’t think it would take over 6 years to conceive. At this point in my life, I start to doubt if I will become a mom for the second time. As I get older, I know it will {Read More}

Conceive Easy – Fertibella Month 3

Disclosure: Month 1 and 2 were sent to me for review purposes. Since trying the product I am of my own free will ordering and blogging the addition months. In 2000, when I was 21 years old and about 100 pounds less, my husband and I got pregnant with our daughter. We had no plans to have another child anytime soon, so we thought it was best I get on birth control pills. After all our daughter wasn’t planned. In {Read More}

How To Throw The Best Baby Shower

Your best friend has called you to say you need to meet up and talk about something. Something about the sound of her voice has got you worried and nervous. Has something happened at work, or has her Nanna taken a turn for the worst? All day you are worrying about the big meet. Finally, you get to the cafe and see her at the table. She’s smiling. That’s a relief. Actually she’s positively glowing. OMG! She’s telling you she’s {Read More}

One Week After Starting Delgado Protocol

It has now been about a week since I started taking Delgado Protocol products to help get my hormones back on track. After taking the survey I honestly think, I have had a hormonal imbalance for a large part of my life. It didn’t help taking birth control pills for 8 years, and I will never do that to my body again. I am currently taking EstroBlock, EstroBlock Cell Stabilizer, Stem Cell Strong, and Protein Plus. I am currently taking {Read More}