Take Mom To Church’s Chicken For Mother’s Day

Having a hard time figuring out what to get mom for Mother’s Day? I cannot speak for all moms, however, I to am a mom and on Mother’s Day, I like spending time with the family with no fighting! I am not all about those expensive gifts, because I don’t need material things for my family to show me the love. Being a mom is one of the most stressful jobs a female will ever have, we have to worry {Read More}

The Best Part About Being A Mom

Being a mom is one of the best gifts a woman can ever receive. I like to call this a gift from God! What makes being a mom the best gift a woman can ever receive? The fact you get to watch as your child becomes an outstanding person, the bond between mother and child, the unconditional love both parent and child have for one another, and all those small things that make you so proud to call your child {Read More}

Go Hand Stamped This Mother’s Day With Tracy Tayan Designs #Giveaway

Mother’s Day is a day for all of us to show those special women in our lives just how much they mean to us. We can do this in several ways whether it be cooking them a nice meal, getting them some pretty flowers, or even having them a hand stamped necklace designed from Tracy Tayan Designs. Tracy was raised in Hawaii and has a love for art, she has lived in 4 different states and has several degrees including {Read More}

Gallo Family Moscato Wine Review

When it comes to drinking I rarely drink. I am not a big fan of the strong alcohol taste in most adult beverages. However, I am willing to try different ones to see what all is out there, my main choice of drink is some vodka and orange juice. However, this past new years I discovered a few more drinks that were right up my ally. Not to strong, but oh so yummy. Occasionally, I like to sit back in {Read More}

Mother’s Day 2014: What about Grandma?

In 2014, the eleventh day of May marks the 100th Anniversary of Mother’s Day being recognized as a national holiday in the United States. This is a special time to reflect on how much our mothers will always mean to us. However, even though there is a Grandparent’s Day each year (first Sunday after Labor Day), why not make this special Mother’s Day anniversary a special one for Grandma, Great-Grandma, or Great-Great-Grandma as well? Every year flower shops and candy {Read More}

Seeking Mother’s Day Products

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, we here at The Neat Things in Life, are seeking out all those neat Mother’s Day gifts to include within our 2014 Mother’s Day Gift Guide. We are looking for all those neat things that would make great gifts for all moms. If you’re a small business or PR firm who thinks you have that perfect Mother’s Day gift, please contact me to discuss how to get the product in The Neat Things {Read More}