Top 5 Free Memphis Attractions For Tennessee Residents

Memphis is known for its many great attractions such as Beale Street, Graceland, Stax Museum, The Memphis Zoo, and The Pink Palace. The price of admission for families can be pricey. With summer coming many Tennessee residents will be looking for affordable things they can do with their children. Below you will find the top 5 free Memphis attractions for Tennessee Residents. Don’t let the price of high gas or heat keep you in the house this summer, head on {Read More}

Pink Palace Museum Free Summer Membership

On thing I love about living close to a big city is all the free events they have going on. Through-out the year Tennessee residents can find many attractions in Memphis that are free for the family. Some of these places include the Memphis Zoo on Tuesday’s from 3pm until close, this excludes the month of March.  The Pink Palace Museum also has a free day and that too is on Tuesday’s, their hours for free admission is from 1pm {Read More}

Where has the summer gone

Where has the summer gone. In a few weeks it will be back to teaching my young one. We have been doing reading all summer long and I do have to say I am very impressed and glad I ordered hooked on phonics. They helped us A LOT and I am amazed on how well my daughter is reading. We still have along ways to go but over all things are looking good. During this summer we went to the {Read More}

The Zoo

We took our daughter to the zoo yesterday and we had a great time. If you are a resident of Tennessee the Zoo in Memphis is free on Tuesday’s from 2pm until 5pm so its a great way for families to get out and spend time together if you have no money. The only cost is gas to get there and 3 bucks to park you cant beat that. We of course spent a bit more then that because we {Read More}