One Week After Starting Delgado Protocol

It has now been about a week since I started taking Delgado Protocol products to help get my hormones back on track. After taking the survey I honestly think, I have had a hormonal imbalance for a large part of my life. It didn’t help taking birth control pills for 8 years, and I will never do that to my body again. I am currently taking EstroBlock, EstroBlock Cell Stabilizer, Stem Cell Strong, and Protein Plus. I am currently taking {Read More}

Ready for Baby #2

It’s no secret my clock is a ticking, and I am ready for baby number two. Many of you may remember back in 2009, my husband and I discussed expanding our family, and I stopped taking birth control January of that year. When we went shopping for a vehicle, we made sure and got one that would be big enough for our family, if we were to get pregnant. Little did we know this was going to be a big {Read More}