Unlock a Perfect Cup This Holiday Season with #TASSIMO T55 Review and Giveaway

Cyber Monday Special at TassimoDirect.com: Valid in the US only on TassimoDirect.com. Cannot be combined with other offers. Limit 1 coupon redemption per customer. 20% T DISC discount limited to 6 T DISC packages. 20% brewer discount limited to 2 brewers. Offer valid only on 12/2/2013 and ends at 11:59PM PST. Use code TACYMON3 at checkout How many of you have to have a cup of coffee in the morning to get your day going? I can honestly say, I {Read More}

Holiday Gift Guide: TerraCycle Review

When it comes to the holiday season, we’re always on the lookout for those unique and exciting gifts. The gifts that make our loved ones giddy on Christmas morning. I like to get gifts for my loved ones that have a story behind them, a gift that maybe the conversation of the day. This is where TerraCycle comes into play. If you’re not sure who this company is, or what they’re all about, let me explain. TerraCycle, takes our waste, {Read More}

Holiday Gift Guide: Garcia Artwear

How many of you have heard of Jerry Garcia? For those of you, who haven’t heard of Jerry Garcia, he was the lead man for the band Grateful Dead, as well as the lead guitarist. The Grateful Dead was a popular band in the 70’s and is known for some of their hit songs such as Ripple, Truckin’, Uncle John’s Band, and Hell in a Bucket. Jerry Garcia, struggled with many things in life, and had several addictions. These addictions {Read More}

Holiday Gift Guide: Bodylogix Protein Review

Trying to get and stay healthy is never an easy task, especially during the holidays. My husband and I have turned to weight lifting and protein drinks to help us reach our goal weights, and to help us NOT gain a bunch of weight. I personally think building muscle is one of the first steps to losing weight and becoming fit and with winter here, this step can be a challenge. The cold weather makes me want to stay in {Read More}

Holiday Gift Guide: My Little Pony Gadgets

Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year, it’s the time when I can spoil all the little ones around me and not feel guilty. It’s a time when we can all sit around the table and reminisce about our childhood Christmas’s and about the things we enjoyed as children, all while watching as our children open up another item that they had been scooping out all year. One thing I like as the years have gone on, {Read More}

Holiday Gift Guide: Key Ingredient Recipe Reader Review + Giveaway

It wasn’t until a few years back that I left the boxed dinners behind and started to cook almost everything from scratch. With a handful of cookbooks, I was ready to go! However, I learned quickly, that out of all the cookbooks I had, each only had a handful of recipes I liked or would cook. So to me the cookbooks needed to go, they were more or less taking up space, space that I really didn’t have to spare. {Read More}