Check Out Boulder Canyon’s Backyard BBQ Line

I received product for sharing the new line of Boulder Canyon products. Summer is almost here, living in the South summer tends to start early for us and that means time for those Summertime BBQ’s! Boulder Canyon’s has a new and unique line of potato chips, their Backyard BBQ line is perfect for those Summertime gatherings. This unique line features three different varieties that will go perfect with any Summertime dish. These new flavors include: Grilled Brat – Is a {Read More}

Balance Bare Joins The Balance Bar Family

Obesity is a huge thing in the US, and the “average” waistline for an adult female is 37.5 inches. In 2013, statistics showed 154.7 million American Adults were considered over weight or obese (I happen to be one of those that’s obese).  One reason obesity is so high is because we adults find it has become easier and cheaper to grab quick fast food meal for the family, then to cook a healthier meal at home. We also tend to {Read More}

#Yoplait Kids Makes A Great Anytime Snack #PlatefullCoOp

The information and prize pack have been provided by General Mills through Platefull Co-Op. When it comes to snack time, I like stocking the fridge with healthy snacks I know my daughter will love! These snacks include everything from all those colorful veggies to our different flavored yogurts. A new addition to our healthy snacks section in the fridge is Yoplait Kids! Yoplait Kids come in three new character designs, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Hello Kitty, and Minions, this is {Read More}

Celebrate National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day With Balance Bars! #Giveaway

How many of you love chocolate chip cookies? I do, and my back-end sure does show it! Did you know chocolate chip cookies had there very own day? National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day is May 15th, and with working to lose weight and eat healthier I have put away the chocolate chip cookies (for now) and grabbed for a healthier alternative the Cookie Dough Balance Bar. To help get us ready for National Chocolate Chip Cookie day we were sent {Read More}

Wholesome Cravings The Healthy Snack Option

Over the past year or so, my family has made a huge change when it comes to how we eat. While we still grab a not so healthy snack once in awhile, we try to grab only the healthy snacks. With that being said, I have a love for SWEETS! Finding sweets that are both healthy and that will satisfy me have been a little challenge. So when I was contacted to see if I would be interested in reviewing {Read More}

Power Up With Gourmet Nut Trail Mixes and Sea Salts This Holiday Season

Can you believe Christmas is in less than a week! What comes after Christmas? New Years, and what happens during the beginning of the year? Everyone starts making those resolutions, the two main ones are to stop smoking and to lose weight. Thankfully, there will be no resolution to lose weight for me. Why? Because I made the decision a while back to focus on my weight, and I have been doing just that. Working out daily, making healthy food {Read More}