Gola doesn’t just have footwear, they also carry a nice selection of bags. A female can never have enough bags just ask my daughter, she has about 10 and when she sees another she likes she attempts to go for it. When the Gola Bronson Suede bag came in the mail, she had her eyes on it, she jumped with excitement until I told her it was mine. She tried her best to talk me into letting her have it, {Read More}
Gola Footwear – Chase Shoes Review
Recently, I was introduced to Gola Footwear. At first, I honestly didn’t think these shoes would be for me, however, after reading their about their history, I knew I had to try them. Gola first got its start in 1905 from there they have grown into a well known company that offers some unique shoes. My first impression was bowling shoes, I picked out the Chase shoes in black. When I got them I laughed, because they looked silly. However, {Read More}