GNO with Crayola

I had a blast last night at GNO with Crayola. I met some nice ladies that home school their children as well. I also learned how to recycle color crayons thanks to Mom Spark!!! You do not know how many crayons I have thrown away because they was broke and too short to do anything with. My daughter is going to love making new crayons. I also learned that Crayola will soon have a “Crayon Maker” so that you can {Read More}

Back-to-School Survival Guide (Crayola, GNO)

Looking for tips on how to transition from summer break to back to school? Then tweet the night away with other Mom It Forward gals at #gno this Tuesday on Twitter as we talk about back-to-school survival. * What: Crayola Creativitycast on #gno (Click here to learn more about #gno!) * When: Tuesday, August 4, 9-11 p.m. EST * Where: Tweetgrid (Use hashtags #gno & #crayola.) * Topic: Back-to-School Survival Guide * Who: @coolcatteacher from Cool Cat Teacher, @crayola, @momadvice {Read More}