A Family Affair: How Drones Can Be a Great Family Pastime

Drones can be a great way to keep the kids busy while also getting them out of the house for some healthy dose of nature’s embrace. That being said, what are the top drone-related activities you can participate in with your entire family? Photography Taking your drone out in the open, exploring nature and taking photos from all sorts of different angles… what’s not to love? To take things a bit further, you can also record the beautiful forests from {Read More}

Balancing Family And Career – You Can Have It All

The subject of balancing your family and your career has never been so popular as it is now. As women make greater advances in their careers while also wanting families – it’s become less of a question of if you can do both, but how. Managing both is a balancing act, but not an impossible one. Here’s some great advice on how to juggle your family and career so that you really can have it all. Decide what you really {Read More}

Cats Need As Much Care As Dogs Do You Know!

Don’t let cat’s fool you, they are highly intelligent creatures, and although they may be a lot more independent than dogs, they still require just as much care. Here’s how you can do that. Brush your cat every day Cats will groom themselves constantly, but they won’t be able to do as good of a job on their fur as you can. You should brush your kitty every day. Not only will their coat be a lot more attractive, but {Read More}

More to Love: Parenting Strategies for Raising a Second Child

If you’ve got one child, will it make much difference in your lifestyle when you add a second? Second-time parents generally have a much better idea of the things to expect when they bring home a brand-new baby. Diapering, breastfeeding, bathing and other tasks of tending a newborn are easier the second time around. There’s more to raising a second child than that, however. Here are some strategies that are sure to be of interest to couples who are thinking {Read More}

Family Fun in Flora-Bama

I don’t think my family has taken a real vacation in for ever. I mean we go camping once in awhile, and we have made a few trips back to Michigan. However, a real family vacation in a place we have never been has never happened. With my husband’s birthday, our wedding anniversary and my birthday all back to back, my husband and I was going to go stay at a nice hotel to celebrate, however, last minute we decided {Read More}

Caring for Your Pet in Your Will

Pets usually have shorter lifespans than their human owners, but what if you are the one who becomes ill or incapacitated, or who dies first? How would they be cared for? And who would care for them? To ensure that your beloved pet continues to receive food and water, shelter and veterinary care should something unexpected happen to you, it is crucial that you plan ahead and make provisions for your pet in the event of your passing. Provide for {Read More}