Proactively Handling Social Media Issues in Divorce

In today’s world, people who are thinking about divorce sometimes forget to address problematic social media, text and other website postings. As people leave an increasingly large digital footprint, internet accounts are commonly mined for information by attorneys to use against the other person. That is why when a divorce is unavoidable, Cordell & Cordell reviews their clients’ digital information to prevent damage. Here are some tips on how to be proactive with digital accounts when preparing for divorce. Remove {Read More}

Update HP Envy 120

Update 2/19/2013: It seems like it took a bit to get here, but I posted a message on HP for Home – US facebook on Friday the 15th. Shortly after Silvia HP asked me to message them with the issue I was having. I sent them a message on facebook explaining the issue I was having, they let me know they were going to elevate the issue for me and HP would contact me, but since it was the weekend {Read More}

Submit Your Best Scream and #Win #sweepstakes #contest

Have you ever had something scare you so bad you thought you were going to die? What about that spider you found crawling up your leg; when you noticed it all you could do was scream and fling it across the room, and then you stood up doing that Hebe jebe dance. Creepy crawlers will make anyone scream. What if I were to tell you, there is a giveaway going on right now where you could win a FREE trip {Read More}

Tail Towns Friends Figurine Giveaway #TailTowns

Did you know that females make up over 70% of social gamers? How many of you like getting on Facebook and hitting up some of the games? Come on you don’t have to be shy and hide, I will admit, I at one time was addicted to several different games; one being Farmville. My daughter and I would get on together and help each other. However after a while it got rather boring. We were doing the same thing over {Read More}

Link Building

Not long ago, I was asked what it would take for a friend to start her own site. I explained to her everything I knew, and how sometimes having a site can be time consuming. I have been running The Neat Things in Life for awhile now, and how I love blogging sometimes I need to take a break. One thing I have learned when it does come to having a site, is you must have back links. When you {Read More}