Control Your Blood Sugar With Extend

With diabetes running strong in my family, it’s important that I take proper steps to assure that my husband, daughter and I keep our blood sugar under control. With us all having a love for sweets, it’s also important that we don’t over do it. My blood sugar runs more on the lower side of the charts. Often times I will feel as low my blood sugar is running low, and I will have to reach for a little something {Read More}

How to Extend Galaxy S3 Battery Life

The Galaxy S3 had a few hardware problems after its initial launch, but it has overcome these issues to gain its place as one of the top new smartphones available today. This article will show you some tips and tricks to increase Galaxy S3 battery life, and get the most from just one Galaxy S3 battery charge. Extend Galaxy S3 Battery Life by Being A Smarter Smartphone User Modern smartphones cache recent applications in order to provide a better user {Read More}