Shake Off the Winter Cold with These Fun Games

With the winter season right around the corner, you’re going to need something to keep your kids occupied while they take a break from their normal school routine. When the weather outside is frightful and you just can’t get out of the house, educational games will not only entertain your kiddos, but also keep their minds sharp. Below are a few free online games that will keep your kids occupied while the snow falls. Ninja Cat and Zombie Dinosaurs This fun typing tutorial teaches your {Read More}

New York City – The Perfect Destination for a Family Vacation

New York is also known as ‘The City That Never Sleeps’. So, if you’ve got a young family and you’re due to go on vacation, New York is probably the last on your list of considerations. But we’re here to tell you that the Big Apple is full of activities that the whole family will love. With everything from zoos to visit and picnics in the park to enjoy, we can guarantee that there’s something to keep children of all {Read More}

Our Spending Compared To Other Parts Of The Worlds Spending

With the US Government currently under a shutdown, have you ever wondered how the spending habits are in other countries? Check out the infographic below which was provided by to see the spending habits in the UK. If I would have to guess, I would say their spending habits are about the same as here in the US. From studying the infographic below though, I think women here in the US are better at saving then men. Men here {Read More}

Let RadioShack Help With Those Last Minute Christmas Gifts

Can you believe Christmas is literally right around the corner! If you’re like me, you maybe a last minute shopper. No worries though RadioShack has a little something for everybody. RadioShack has been a favorite of my families for years. I remember the first time going into a RadioShack it was in 2001. I was pregnant and wanting to get my father in law a nice father’s day gift. At the time we had a police scanner, and he thought {Read More}