Go Back To School With Mabel’s Labels

Soon school will be back in session for all of our kids here in the United States. This means time to label all that back to school gear. If you’re a parent with a child that goes to public schools, you may have experienced some other child claiming an item that belonged to your child. With school items being pricey, we need to make sure our children’s property remains their property. Thankfully, we have companies that make labeling our children’s {Read More}

Round em Up Friday – 102

Do you have giveaway? Well what are you waiting for round em up and link em up here!!!

Non-Toxic Spot Shot Pet Aerosol Review and Walmart Giveaway

We recently had a scare with our puppy. Although we took all the steps needed to assure he was safe, he ended up getting into the room where we had mouse poison out. He ate some and within minutes we had him throwing it back up. So now I refuse to have any toxic chemicals at level where he can get to them in any room of the home. With having a puppy means messes on the floor. While he {Read More}

Things to Think About When Renting a Storage Unit

Have you ever watched the hit show Storage Wars? Sometimes those units the people purchase look too good to be true. How is someone going to have expensive items in a storage unit, and not pay the bill? This past year my husband and I had to get a storage unit for a few months until we were able to get a truck to get our belongings back south. As we were packing the unit, my sister noticed how I {Read More}

Diet or Not To Diet

How many of you have been on a diet? How many of you have failed that diet? I can answer both with a yes I have been on a diet, yes I have failed a diet. It wasn’t until recently I learned why I kept failing. Although, while on these diets I lost weight, I couldn’t for the life of me keep it off. Once I was done with the diet, I would not only gain the weight back I {Read More}

Rant: American Express DO NOT Recommend Them

So this is the SECOND time I have had issues with American Express… As I sit here and type my blood pressure is probably sky high. It seems I only have problems with American Express… Yesterday I purchased $19.50 worth of gas from Kroger… I had a $50 prepaid card so this would have left me $30.50. I go to the store to get ink for my printer swipe the card and it doesn’t work… WTF I have $30.50 why {Read More}