The City Life

I grew up in a small city, since getting with my husband we have always lived in the country. I have been to the city a handful of times, and to this day I don’t see how people can stand to live in the city. We were only there for a short period, and I came home with a major migraine. The traffic, the people, the fast pace of life. My stomach nor I can handle it much. As soon {Read More}

First Full Week Of School

Monday starts the first full week back to school. Tomorrow we will be heading out to Staples to get a few last minute things. They have a lot of great deals going on! If you’re still needing some items and you have a Staples close by I highly recommend you checking in to see what they might have. Or Staples will be having the books we need for schooling at b1g1 free! That is an awesome deal, I was going {Read More}

Mortgages For The First Time Buyer Is Challenging

New home buyers have numerous loan options and interest rates to choose from. Your credit score will determine if you fall into high or low risk categories, but the amount of money you put down will also effect the outcome to a great degree. Mortgages for the first time buyer may seem intimidating, but there are several ways you can assure that you get the best bang for your buck. Whether you have good or bad credit, the down payment {Read More}

Phase 4 Review

This summer has been extremely miserable all over the US. I know several areas were hitting record temperatures. My family attempted to enjoy the outdoors while in the swimming pool; however, even that was miserable. What do you do when it’s too hot/cold to be outside? We grab some popcorn, kick up our feet, and enjoy some great movies. Recently, we received some great movies to review as well as some yummy treats. Phase 4 made a kick off in {Read More}

Frappe Lover? Weight loss junkie? No Problem!

Growing up I had a thing for getting up early in the morning and drinking coffee with my grandparents before they went to work. Now that I am an adult, I attempted to drink coffee; however, when I drink my coffee hot, and drink too much of it I end up in bed with bad cramps. Therefore, I decided to drink my coffee cold. Before long, I had a bad addiction to Caramel Iced Coffees. I was drinking several of {Read More}

An Egypt Holiday May Be Cheaper Than You Think

Ancient tombs, Pharaohs and the great pyramids are just a few of the reasons many people flock to Egypt every year. Although many more tourists would love to visit Egypt and experience its culture, they may not be able to afford the cost. Luckily, there are now cheap Egypt holidays that allow travelers on a budget to experience the thrills and excitement that Egypt has to offer. The reason these great trips to Egypt are now available at a reduced {Read More}