Let Tiny Prints Help You With Back-to-School and Giveaway

Back to school can be very stressful for parents. We have to worry about our children all day, worry whether they’re eating at lunch. Worry about them fitting in, worry about what is being taught, and also worry about whether the Teacher will be able to get a hold of us if something were to happen. Going Back to School with Tiny Prints can help ease that anxiety we as parents maybe having this time of year. By using their {Read More}

Sucker For Daytime

I am a sucker for daytime soaps. I grew up watching ABC soaps, and when they announced they were removing All My Children, and One Life to Live from the air, I was extremely upset. The idea of not seeing James and Starr, Natalie and John, Ryan and Greenlee, Tad and Dixie, and all the other great couples was very heart breaking. With watching the shows since I was a young girl with my mom, these couples became a part {Read More}

12 Rut Busting Tips

  This infographic is brought to you by Noomii, an online directory of business, life, and career coaches. You can find a life coach in Nashville as well as thousands of other cities around the world.

Finding Affordable Flights To New York

In a little over a week it will be 5 years since my father in law passed away. When my father in law first found out he had cancer one thing he wanted to do before he passed was go back to his home, where he grew up. He wanted to see the house he grew up in, and his brothers and sisters one last time before he left this earth. With almost all of his family living in upstate {Read More}

Giveaways on The Neat Things in Life

We have some great giveaways coming to an end soon. Make sure to check them out if you haven’t already. If you’re wanting to lose weight make sure to enter the EatSmart Giveaway, Naturebox Giveaway, and the Yum Yum Dishes giveaway. Have a pet and need to get out some stains? Check out the spot shot review and enter that giveaway! Are you working on redoing your child’s bedroom check out the fathead giveaway. Soon we will be having some {Read More}

Picking The Right Curriculum

I think one of the hardest parts of homeschooling, it picking which curriculum is best. The past few years we used Switched on Schoolhouse. I liked the curriculum in the most part, but I did have a few issues with it. This year we went a different route because of money reasons. If we had the money to do Switched on Schoolhouse we probably would have. Instead we are going to do part Spectrum and part unschooling. We went to {Read More}