Can I Get A Drum Roll Please! #samp #VZWA

The beginning of the week I got an email that made me do that happy dance. I was asked if I would be interested in being a Verizon Wireless Ambassador. After getting more details, of course I said yes! When it comes to cell phones, I am living in the stone ages. I have never used a “smartphone”, I have used something similar, but it had a small screen and wasn’t able to do much of anything, so I don’t {Read More}

New Co-Author on Dizzy Mommy Chronicles

Try running three blogs, homeschooling, and being a sweeper. All while also trying to keep the home in order HA. Fun, fun, right? Well I have been wanting to do more with Dizzy Mommy Chronicles, but The Neat Things in Life is my baby. I decided to reach out to a friend to see if she would be interested in Co-Authoring/Co-Owning Dizzy Mommy Chronicles. While I will still post over there just not as much. The site will be ran {Read More}

Accepting Products For Holiday Gift Guide

It’s that time of year again. Soon Christmas will be here and it’s time to get those holiday gift guides going! We are currently accepting items to go in the following categories… Girls – Toddlers/Teens Boys- Toddler/Teens Men – Electronics, fishing, clothing Women – Electronics, clothing, jewelry, craft Pets – Dogs Household Stocking Stuffers Misc. This years guide will run a little different from the previous years. If you want your product in the guide, I will need full product {Read More}

Deceptions And Myths of The Bible – LLOYD M. GRAHAM – Book Review

Lloyd M. Graham is a controversial  writer who argues that the stories of the Holy Bible are merely reflections of ancient tales that were created before the Bible itself. Deceptions And Myths of The Bible addresses historical knowledge that pre-dates the Christian religion. The book argues that creation itself is the plan of God, but through a much more naturally occurring process.  This book is not for inexperienced readers. The introduction itself is philosophical as well as historical in nature {Read More}

Entering Sweepstakes

Many of you know how big I am into entering giveaways and sweepstakes. Lately I have been trying for some big cash sweepstakes in hopes that I might hit something big to pay my car off. Things would be a lot less stressful if my car was paid off. I am not wanting a lot of money, I am willing to share. :) Lately, I have been winning small amounts of gift cards, $10 here, $50 there, they all add {Read More}

Back to School While Helping Boys & Girls Club

It’s that time of year again, time to get those school supplies purchased, and the kids ready for back to school. Many great programs out there are offering their helping hand to help with the back-to-school transition. The Boys and Girls Club of America is one of those great programs. I never heard of the BGCA until I moved south. Growing up we were in a similar program, which gave us the guidance we needed when our mom was working. {Read More}