Palmolive Fresh Infusions Dish Liquid Review

One of the things I dislike most about cleaning is washing the dishes! I dislike this with a passion!!! I don’t know if it’s the standing for a long period and the fact it kills my back, or the scrubbing of nasty pans. When I do wash dishes I usually leave all the silverware, and my husband washes that. Yea, I am not a fan of the silverware. What makes washing dishes a bit more bearable is the dish liquid. {Read More}

Local and International Flights To South Africa Made Easy And Affordable

South Africa has quickly risen to be one of the most popular tourist destinations in all of Africa. With wilderness safari experiences and the convenience of modern luxury, it’s no wonder the location has become so popular as a vacation and tourist hot spot. While many international destinations do not have direct flights through major airlines, South Africa is an exception to this. Flights to South Africa are now easier than ever before because of the locations increasing popularity. You {Read More}

Monster High Abbey Bominable Review

My daughter is a huge Monster High fan. Her birthday is next week, with being low cash I let her pick out one Monster High Doll. She chose Abbey this is the original and she had been wanting it for awhile. She wanted to do the review, and said she will be doing more soon… Keep a watch out for more reviews brought to you by my wonderful daughter! We purchased this and all other Monster High Dolls, if you {Read More}

And The Phone is….

Remember Thursday when I broke the awesome news, that I was a new Verizon Wireless Ambassador? Well, all night Thursday I was all giddy, I was super excited to be one of the cool kids finally! I was also excited to find out which phone I was going to get. My first guess was the Samsung Galaxy SIII. I had seen other bloggers chatting about theirs, then after reading the email and searching Verizon’s site, I was pretty sure I {Read More}

T-fal’s Healthy Summer Challenge Tip #5 PLUS Recipe!

Can you believe the T-fal’s Healthy Summer Challenge has come to an end! I loved sharing all my tips with everyone of you on what my family and I are doing to live a healthy lifestyle. While at first it wasn’t easy to transform, I am glad we did when we did, so my weight didn’t continue to get out of control, and so I could teach my daughter to be healthy. I sure didn’t want her growing up thinking {Read More}

Round em Up Friday – 103

Do you have giveaway? Well what are you waiting for round em up and link em up here!!!