D-Link DCS-942L Review

I have had the pleasure of working with D-Link on a few difference occasions. I love their products! Recently, my family was able to check out there DCS-942L Wireless Day and Night Camera. With so many break-ins going on in my area, I want to be prepared. Someone thinks they’re coming in my home they might want to think again. The D-Link 942L has so many great features that I love, I love the ability that it does have night {Read More}

Family Drama Over Past Love Ones’ Estate Will and Outstanding Debts

Like many families, you have likely experienced a situation where a close relative or immediate family member passed away leaving a will that did not specify a beneficiary or left family members with past debts and obligations. This scenario can leave you and your family at each others throats over who gets what or who is responsible for the outstanding debt of the deceased. This is a trying time for most families, and you may choose to opt out of {Read More}

What I Learned About The HTC Droid INCREDIBLE

Today I got to chat with some other Verizon Wireless Ambassadors and we all learned what all the HTC Droid INCREDIBLE is capable of doing. I have personally been playing with the phone for about a week now, and I am in awe on every little new thing I discover. Some of the things would have been left undiscovered if I didn’t attend the webinar. Such has the HTC Tracer, the customizing the lock screen, and even the adding widgets {Read More}

A Simple Way To Add A Custom Countdown To Your Website

If you’re like many website owners, you probably hold events, contests or holiday promotions on your website. Even if you don’t run a website, you may share special dates or events with your friends on social media platforms of some kind. This makes countdowns an exciting way to build up anticipation and let your viewers or friends know how long it is before that unique date arrives. Although there are many ways you can incorporate a countdown into your website {Read More}

2012 SportsParent of The Year Giveaway

For many families sports play a big role in their children’s lives. Sports help children not only stay out of trouble, be active in school, they also do a lot of teaching. They teach our children how to work together as a team, it teaches them that hard work often pays off, and it keeps their hopes up, when thinking about their future. For the first time EVER Sports Illustrated Kids will be naming a SportsParent of the Year! Are {Read More}

Dear Companies

It seems several of you think I work for free, while I would love to promote all those neat products you send via my email. We have a small problem… The problem being many of you are thinking if you supply me with high res images, and more information, this entitles you to a free write up. Let me ask you a question, how many of you are getting paid with high res images for your time? How many of {Read More}