Round em Up Friday 105

Do you have giveaway? Well what are you waiting for round em up and link em up here!!!

Not All Dogs Like Rachel Ray Dog Food

Bones is just like our daughter when a package arrives he is waiting to see what is in it! I often have to make him to site in his chair and wait. I guess since we do review dog products he knows some of those packages are HIS and he has to be nosy. Well recently I signed up for a free sample of Rachel Ray dog food. I wanted to find out if Bones liked it before attempting to {Read More}

Shopping for School Clothes

School can be pretty expensive, you have the supplies, the clothing, the lunches, and the transportation. Most needs paid upfront, if you have more than one child it can become pretty pricey. I remember when I was growing up our school shopping lists were no where near as big as the ones the kids get now days. Sad part about it when they get out of High School, it only gets more pricier. When they hit College they have books, {Read More}

GeoCaching Fun

Back in November of 2011 we discovered Geocaching. We had so much fun using our geomate.jr to run around the different towns in Michigan finding hidden treasure. Although, the geomate.jr shows us the location, size, difficulty, and terrain information it doesn’t show you the information about the geocache, and or the logs of those that have found it. So you either go out clueless like we often did, or you write the information down on paper and hope you have {Read More}

Happy National Dog Day!

The Ultimate Guide to Homemade Ice Cream Review

Nothing beats homemade ice cream! It wasn’t until recently, we discovered what homemade ice cream really tasted like. I love the ability to mix and match flavors to make it truly our own. With ice cream being a big hit in most homes it’s important that we control what all goes into making it. Before we discovered homemade we would purchase from the store, that stuff is not only loaded with calories, it’s also loaded with ingredients I cannot pronounce! {Read More}