Fire Department Not Bright

As I sit here doing my normal days work, blog related things, entering giveaways, chatting on facebook, while I wait for my family to wake. I listen to the scanner, so far it has came across that both the elementary school, and the high school has had fire alarms going off… Shortly after another person comes across after the trucks have left the station, that they can disregard because these were planned drills. I am so glad they have got {Read More}

Verizon Wireless Workshops

Going from a standard cell phone to a more techie cell phone can become a bit overwhelming. While you want to learn everything there is to know about your new device, you can often forget how you did a certain thing. With these higher tech devices I personally feel it is important to know how everything works. You want to get the most out of your device, after all it will be like your best friend. Luckily I was able {Read More}

Why Homeschool?

This question is an easy one, why should one home school? I will be honest home schooling isn’t for everyone and neither is public schooling. When my daughter was in kindergarten we tried the whole public school route. The first week of school she was out sick for almost a week, germs yuck. Then we had issues with her teacher, she liked to tell our daughter it was okay to lie, and not tell us everything that went on in {Read More}

Preventing Ingrown Hairs To Keep Shaving Comfortably

Daily shaving takes quite the toll on your skin. If preventing razor burn and dry skin were not enough, there are even more issues that can affect your shaving experience as well. Acne, bumpy skin and in-grown hairs can all make shaving more challenging. In addition to having to address the conditions, you also have to take extra care during shaving to ensure you don’t cut yourself. Although every shaver is at risk for an occasional razor knick, an in-grown {Read More}

Round em Up Friday – 106

Do you have giveaway? Well what are you waiting for round em up and link em up here!!!

out with the old in with the new

I am a bit behind when it comes to cellphones. Last year we did have texting, but certain things happened and I had to cancel it. We have never had an actual data plan for longer than a day. With our current cellphone carrier we were allowed to use a smartphone like phone at first, then they decided to make some changes. After these changes they decided to add a data plan to our phones, I called and did some {Read More}